1 April 2007

Judo worpen (Engels - Japans)

Hip throw (o goshi)
Hip drop
Floating hip (uki goshi)
Rear hip thow
Stamp throw
Loin and hip wheel
Transitional hip throw
Hip wheel (koshi guruma)
Sweeping hip throw (harai goshi)
Inner Thigh throw (uchi mata)
Sweeping knee throw
Sweeping ankle throw
Leg wheel (ashi guruma)
Outer wheel (osoto guruma)
Inside hock throw
Outer hook throw
Cross hock
Knee wheels (hiza guruma)
Drawing ankle throw
Half shoulder throw
Full shoulder throw
Reverse full shoulder throw
Dropping version of a half shoulder throw
Lapel shoulder throw (eri seoinage)
One-arm shoulder throw (ippon seoinage)
Two-arm shoulder throw (morote seoinage)
Major inner reaping, inside trip (ouchi gari)
Minor inner reaping (kouchi gari)
Major outer reaping, outside trip (osoto gari)
Propping ankle throw (sasae tsuri komi ashi)
Half-hip throw (uki goshi)
Body drop (tai otoshi)
Dropping version of a body drop
Reverse body drop
Dropping version of a reverse body drop
Belt hip throw (tsuri goshi)
Sleeve-lift hip throw (sode tsurikomi goshi)
Floating drop (uki otoshi)
Outer winding sacrifice (soto makikomi)
Inside wind
Spring hip throw (hane goshi)
Double spring hip throw.
Shoulder wheel, fireman's carry (kata guruma)
Valley drop (tani otoshi)
Reverse Valley drop
Heaven and earth throw (tenchi nage)
Leg throw
Recombant ankle throw
Reclining leg throw
Stomach throw (tomoe nage)
Side circle
Monkey climb
Corner throw
Head hip and knee throw
Reverse head hip and knee throw
Rear head hip and knee throw
Shoulder crash
Front scoop throw
Rear scoop throw
Wrist type throws

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